The President of the General Assembly will convene a High-level plenary meeting to commemorate the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons on 26 September 2023 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
The President invites representatives of non-governmental organizations, academia, private sector and other stakeholders to participate and, time permitting, to make an intervention. In order to participate in-person and/or make an intervention, registration via this form is required.
A Special Event Ticket (SET) will be provided for approved registrants to attend in person. Further information on how to collect your SET will be shared with approved participants closer to the event date.
Due to time limitations, it will not be possible to accommodate all requests for interventions. Only a limited number of speakers will be contacted by the Secretariat. The time allocated for each intervention is 2 minutes. Speakers who will participate virtually will be asked to submit a pre-recorded video of up to 2 minutes prior to the meeting.
The registration is NOW OPEN until 16 August 2023. Register here.
The meeting will be broadcast live on UN Web TV with interpretation in all official languages. Please note that you do not need to register if you plan to follow the meeting via webcast without a speaking role.
For more details, please see the following link: